Products for Sale

100% wool blankets -- Our blankets start with raw fleeces from our Jacob sheep. After spring shearing the wool is sent to a family operated mill to be made into blankets. Colors remain the natural white and brown of the Jacob breed. The brown fleece of our aging sheep turns to a beautiful rich grey. Prices are: Queen $270 Single $195 Lap $145. We also sell yarn for $8 a skein. Lamb sales. Book of Poetry I Saw God Dancing by Cheryl Denise, published by Cascadia Publishing House, for $14.

Poetry by Cheryl Denise

Our Jacob Sheep
People always ask
they know your voice;
they follow you?
I am not Jesus
and these sheep follow
an old drywall bucket with feed
that I shake
while yelling, Eh Woolly Woolly,
hoping they'll follow me.
They ignore me
then one by one stare
stark-faced at the pail
until some ewe baas
Dennis and Mike herd from behind,
sprawled arms waving the way.
They chase me
out the gate
past the pines
down the hill
a sharp left
into their new pasture
feed jostles
ewes bawl
as if I won't feed the last ones in.
Not all of them come.
I yell louder,
violently shake the bucket.
Suddenly the rest bolt in,
Mike behind them.
I pour feed in wooden troughs,
burly wool bodies press against my legs.
Dennis closes the gate
Jesus must have been talking about
some different breed,
ours are biblical but old testament.
After we've led them to greener pastures
they crowd in the corner
stressed and shuffling,
like teenagers their first day back at school.
I never much liked their namesake
that soft skinned mama's boy
stealing Esau's birthright.
Maybe the sheep sense it.
No, I tell anyone who asks,
our sheep are not what Jesus had in mind
but maybe more like us.
------------------------------ Our Jacob Sheep is from Cheryl's collection I Saw God Dancing, published by Cascadia Publishing House, co-published with Herald Press, 2005.
Cheryl has a second book of poetry entitled, What's In the Blood, scheduled for publication in Feb. 2012 by Cascadia Publishing House. She is also presently working on a CD of her poems.